Bringing you places to go, things to do,
challenges to face.
And the many, varied and inspiring stories from
New Zealanders enjoying the outdoors.
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ISSN 2815-827X (Online)
ISSN:2815-8261 (Print)
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Camping the Kiwi Way is an initiative to share and promote the enjoyment and positive benefits of camping in Aotearoa New Zealand.
NZ is truly the land of milk and honey with huge tracts of bush, and rolling valleys perfect for exploring and camping.
NZ campers have a passion for enjoying the outdoors, for relishing the breathtaking scenery and opportunity to travel and explore other regions.
Traveling and camping responsibly, spending on food and activities while being sociable and friendly are the trademarks of the NZ recreational camper.
Let's celebrate!
Be Proud to be a Camper

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Take photos on your travels and write some captions. Share: #campingthekiwiway
Share you stories and photos in this magazine.
Make a submission on government changes
Clean up the rubbish: take a photo >
add a hash tag > post it Facebook/ Instagram
#kiwicampers #cleanedupbyfreedomcamper
#sortingoutyourshit #leavenotrace -
Tell your MP how the changes will affect you
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NZ's national, inclusive camping club
is proud to be the principal sponsor of:
Camping the Kiwi Way magazine