What to do?
Miriam Richardson
With the new self-containment system in disarray (see p13 ), what do you do with your new build, conversion or upgrade? Four choices.
Put it off for now. Wait to see if the new government will make changes which may remove the need or determine what work is required.
Build/upgrade to meet the existing standard + fixed toilet (NZS 5465:2001) before June 2024. Good for freedom camping until June 2025 (good elsewhere for 4 years).
Decide not to freedom camp. Build/upgrade to meet the existing standard with a portable toilet. You can go to places like DOC, park over properties, and events that require certification. You can also use private campgrounds or join NZMCA for access to their national network of parks.
Find a testing officer if you can (p13). Ask what he wants you to do. Do it. Be one of the first with a green card
More on Freedom camping and self-containment: