Kiwi ingenuity & insults
While the new toilet-makers have been welcomed with interest, the Fix-a-Potty™ people were faced with severe scepticism, not to say unfair condemnation, that still continues to pop up on Facebook and confuse people.
Self-containment warrant cards
Who can freedom camp? Certified Blue before 7/7/23?
Certified Blue before 7/7/24?
Green Warrant?
Getting your camping vehicle certified
Choose from an independent national network of more than 150 self-containment testing officers.
Challenges for local councils
The Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation 2023 / revised Freedom Camping Act 2011 presents significant challenges for councils across New Zealand as they strive to comply.
North Island hot pool safari
Wintering in the North Island, I decided to explore hot pools, building my own short-list of pools for an annual safari each winter. Here’s my six favourites, so far.
The Aratiatia Dam
This is a magical free stopover in a humble carpark, with entertainment built in.
Making the most of your pressure cooker
If you have room for a pressure cooker when you are camping it provides a quick and efficient way to cook.
Girdle scones (aka griddle scones)
This is a very versatile and flexible recipe. You can make it up as a dry mix at home to take with you.
DOC campsites 3: Central NI, game
Can you fill in 12 place names from this list of DOC sites
Lake Pukaki
The freedom camping spot on Lake Pukaki: Did I mention, I just can’t get enough of this place?
City dwellers: your first camp away: Stop and Stay
What makes a good first camp for new campers?
Parua Bay: stop and stay
Whangarei: Beachside reserve with large flat grassy area and a boat ramp.
Waikawa Bay Reserve: stop and stay
Bordering the Catlins and close to Curio Bay, Waikawa also boasts a popular fish and chip (‘chup’) wagon
All Points Camping Club of NZ
NZ’s inclusive, friendly, camping club. • Membership support • Friendly, inclusive camping events • Nationwide savings • Lobbying support for campers’ rights.
More for councils and government, issue 9
Things affecting councils or government; camping in action.
The weather was, and will probably continue to be, good for camping. Those preparing their campers to freedom camp have better choices. Roll on summer.