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Who can freedom camp from now until 7 June 2025?
M RIchardson
You can freedom camp if your warrant is one of these three.
Certified Blue before 7/7/23, and not expired. Fixed or portable toilet.
Certified Blue before 7/7/24, and not expired. Fixed toilet only.
Green Warrant
The above warrant holders can freedom camp on public land, which means: all land managed by district and local councils. This may include land otherwise controlled by NZTA, LINZ or DOC.
LINZ: Currently LINZ has 5 freedom camping areas and the new law applies. As at May 2024 DOC has made no changes relating to self-containment: the existing standard applies (portable or fixed toilet) for sites that require self-containment.
An enforcement officer may inspect your warrant card.
If they have a valid reason to ask, you must produce the self-containment certificate.
An enforcement officer may not inspect inside your vehicle.
Freedom camping & self-containment
2 Where are we at with self-containment and freedom camping?
2 Who can freedom camp from now until 7 June 2025?
4 Getting your camping vehicle certified
8 What you need for a green warrant for freedom camping
10 Planning a toilet for the freedom camping green warrant?
12 Venting a toilet cassette: why, what, when and how

8 Winter 2024
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