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Where are we at?
Freedom camping and self-containment
Miriam Richardson
At the government level
The government has changed the regulations so that venting of toilet cassettes is no longer required.
The Minister has so far not responded to submissions to extend the end of the transition period beyond June 2025, though the pressure to do so continues. There is still insufficient inspection capacity for currently self-contained vehicles to transition to a new green warrant by then. (All blue warrants become invalid for freedom camping at the end of the transition period; all freedom campers must have a green warrant at that point, currently Jun ’25.)
At the council level
Just over half of all councils have a current freedom camping bylaw. Councils are required to revise exisiting bylaws by June 2025. Many seem unaware of the need, urgency, or complexity of complying with the new law.
As tourist numbers increase over summer, those without current bylaws will not be able to enforce many of the new freedom camping laws.There will likely be a rush to write and implement new bylaws — though rushing is not possible if they are to be done appropriately (see p26). Make sure to have your say when your council asks.
Councils are beginning to decide how to determine homelessness, which is not, by definition, ‘freedom camping’. The legislation doesn’t help them with this. Some councils use the lack of a self-containment warrant as proof of homelessness!
At the certification level
Training of inspectors continues with both NZ Lifestyle Camping and the NZMCA, the two biggest Certifying Authorities (CA). NZMCA is to begin issuing green warrants in October. There are still not enough inspectors to get everyone certified by June ’25. The PGDB, which oversees Certification Authorities, is beginning the process of working out how to do it.
If you don’t want to freedom camp, you can prove your self-containment with an orange (NZ Lifestyle Camping) or yellow (NZMCA) warrant; or you can still get and use the old blue warrants, for a time at least. You only have to pay the $120 PGDB freedom camping levy for the green warrant.
There are quite a few small CAs, and the problems of differing judgments on what is required for a green warrant is beginning to cloud the horizon. How inconsistencies get managed/resolved is an unknown.
We campers
Many people have gone ahead to get a green warrant, and can now “carry on camping”. Some renewed their blue warrant in time to maximise their transition time. Others were unaware of the blue warrant timetable and find themselves blocked from freedom camping until they upgrade to a green warrant. See above for which warrants are valid for what. if you need a warrant see p39.
There are new, smaller toilets and some brackets addressing the fixed-toilet requirement, with a range of prices, which is a relief to the many who are in the process of making or modifying their vehicles for freedom camping. (See pages 23, 24, 25).
The lack of clarity or consistency across the country is going to be an ongoing challenge for those of us freedom camping. ◼️

9 Spring 2024
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