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Spring 2024



Camping the Kiwi Way, 9, Spring 2024

Table of contents • Editorial  • Councils and government list  • Come camping  • Stop and Stay 

Contribute  • About  Cover image: Steampunk. ©2024 Margarte Earle

Gourmet snag

Q. What’s better than a gourmet snag on some fresh Turkish bread, with relish, cooked and eaten outdoors while freedom camping?

Steampunk— from north to south and back again

“It’s a chance to get dressed up and have some have fun” in Oamaru and Thames.

Lake Pukaki

Lake Pukaki in winter. I can’t get enough of this place. Freedom camping! ©2024 M Richardson

The re-build of my Toyota van

When I built the van, I knew that sometime later I would have to upgrade it.


Camping at the Eketahuna campground, April 2024 ©2024 Bette Cosgrove

The West Coast in winter

One winter’s morning in June, my son and I spontaneously took the campervan on a road trip up the coast.

Solar basics for dummies

Solar power for us campers is a simple process. All you need is a solar panel, a solar controller, and a battery.

Ready for sun

Ready for sunbathing and a book. Morrisons Bush. ©2023 Bette Cosgrove

Converting your camper van: The Cruzar Campervan story

We’d been converting campervans as a hobby for a few years and discovered we loved building and creating things together. Plus, we were tired of our dull 9–5 jobs…

Caravan at Whanganui Vintage weekend

Vintage caravan at a Whanganui Vintage weekend 2024 ©2024 Margaret Earle

Towing your caravan — tips, tricks and weights

Firstly, make sure your caravan is ready to move.

Buyer beware

At the time of writing this, the caravan still sits empty, untouched in our back yard. We are in discussions with our lawyer.

Buying used caravans

Unlike cars, a well-made caravan may last for decades with only minor areas that need attention.

Cautionary tyre tale

Passing over a bit of road where the rumble strip had been removed but not filled in, my tyre got stuck in the rut and shredded.

A great great grandchild

A multi-generation caravan and great great grandchild. ©2024 Bette Cosgrove

A night in an arboretum

I filled the fridge, tossed in some clothes, a hot water bottle, the dog and hit the road

Beautiful obscure things

When you are out camping you notice beautiful and obscure things. ©2024 Gary Hitchcock

A winter day on Farewell Spit

Winter is not the best time to visit Farewell Spit from a bird point of view, but I was there, so I took the tour anyway, and it was spectacular.

Freedom camping

Freedom van camping ©2023 Bette Cosgrove

On the shoulder of a god

I had a great view of Mt Ngāuruhoe on my first day there, though it was invisible for the rest of my stay.


Whitebaiting. Rakaia River Mouth ©2024 David Liddel

Campground at Opoutere

Campground, Opoutere, Stop and Stay, Coromandel

It was freezing

This winter was my first in the Otago cold— a bit of a learning curve.

Home roasted coffee beans

Sitting under the awning, I enjoy a read or an ale while roasting coffee beans.

Lake Pukaki

Lake Pukaki, freedom camping in Winter: I cant get enough of this place. Any season. ©2024 M Richardson

Freedom camping and self-containment

Where are we at? At a government level, a council level, a certification level, at a camper level.

Developing an innovative camping toilet solution: Fix-a-Potty™

In short, I designed Fix-a-Potty™ for the campervan community to provide more affordable and compact toilet options, with the intention of helping everyone continue to enjoy all that New Zealand has to offer.

A new cassette toilet for small spaces: The making of the BlackMOA™

A response to a legislative challenge has brought us the compact, front-opening BlackMOA™ Cassette Toilet


Due out late October, the Fix’n’Rail is a heavy duty sliding rail and secure bracket that lets you slide a portable toilet in and out of its storage area

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