Camping the Kiwi Way, 5, Spring 2023
Camping the Kiwi Way 5: spring 2023
ISSN:2815-8261 (Print) | ISSN 2815-827X (Online)
Table of contents • Editorial • For councils and government Come camping • Stop and Stay
Contribute • About Cover image: Lake Monowai. ©2023 Kayla Laatz
Featured content
Because we had a newborn, my parents-in-law offered us the caravan.
10 Tips for Safe Caravan Towing
The same accident rates, but the main reason, jack-knifing, is different.
Why not stop and stay a while?
Where to stop when travelling and camping in NZ—use it, share it, add to it.
Pros and cons of full time family travel
PROS: You get to spend a lot of time as a family.
CONS: You spend a lot of time as a family.
Update: Self-containment and freedom camping changes
RV & Camper business services:
Self containment, LPG work, electrical work, motorhome work & more.
Table of contents
2 Freedom camping under the new law
4 Freedom camping & self-containment: status, Spring 2023
4 Freedom camping: who does what
7 Cooking on the road: planning food for off the road
9 10 Tips for safe caravan towing
9 Why Caravans roll over… and how to prevent it
10 Building a connected NZ camping and tourism industry
10 Lake pukaki
12 Why not stop and stay a while? Introducing Stop and Stay
15 Pros and Cons of full time family travel
18 Update: Self-containment and freedom camping changes
20 Thinking about your overnight park
22 PUZZLE: Small town New Zealand
25 A small paint kit, a few good brushes…
26 This is the story of three types of self-contained vehicles…
26 A classic
29 Two uses
32 Yaktrax
34 Events — Festivals and shows
35 RV & camper business services
About Camping the Kiwi Way
© 2023 All Points Camping Club of NZ Inc
Editor: Miriam Richardson
Published quarterly by
All Points Camping Club of NZ Inc & NZ Lifestyle Camping Ltd
Order or subscribe
Printed copies including postage:$44 for a year (4 issues)$13.50 for a single copyeditor@campingthekiwiway.org
Read it online
or get a PDF ckw.nz/spring2023
Subscribe for an email link to each issue:editor@campingthekiwiway.org
editor@campingthekiwiway.org See ckw.nz/advertising
Front cover:
Lake Monowai, Fiordland p11. ©2023 Kayla Laatz
Share your stories
If your group or club is promoting NZers enjoying our great outdoors, we would like to share your stories.
Tenting, caravanning, motorhoming, van camping, bike camping, hiking and more.
• Camping photos and stories.
• Club stories and photos.
• Upcoming events that include camping.
• Opinion pieces on camping issues.
• Technical / helpful articles.
Photos 1mb or more in size.
Email words and (separate) images: editor@campingthekiwiway.org
Contributions close
Nov 1 for the Summer issue
For late-breaking articles talk to the editor.

By and for campers