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Camping the Kiwi Way, Summer 2024
In this issue
Double-Digit Highways – SH32,West of Taupo, SH45, Taranaki’s surf coast highway, and SH60 to Collingwood.
Springing Your camping stories from spring. Tents. Weather. The night sky. Places to go, places to stay, things to do.
Making camping more accessible for everyone involves more than installing accessible toilets.
Travelling with pets A list of resources I’ve found helpful on our travels with our furry family member, Pippa.
CampFest ‘25 Pack up your tent or camping vehicle and join us in Bulls for a weekend of fun, music, food and family-friendly entertainment.
Recipes Favourite and quick camping meals including great ideas for a quick meal on the first night.
Cover image: Waiorongomai Valley
©2024 Greg Lokes (Greg's Eye)
About Camping the Kiwi Way
We hope this magazine will unite the many different camping groups we have in NZ to create a unified voice and energy for sustainable camping for current and future generations of New Zealanders.
ISSN: 2815-8261 (Print)ISSN: 2815-827X (Online)
©2024 All Points Camping Club of NZ Inc
Editor: Miriam Richardson |
Published quarterly by
All Points Camping Club of NZ Inc &NZ Lifestyle Camping Ltd
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Printed copies including postage:$44 for a year (4 issues)$13.50 for a single copy
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Share your stories
If your group or club is promoting NZers enjoying our great outdoors, we would like to share your stories.
• Tenting, caravanning, motorhoming, van camping, bike camping, hiking and more.
• Camping photos and stories.
• Club stories and photos.
• Upcoming events that include camping.
• Opinion pieces on camping issues.
Photos 1mb or more in size.
Email words and (separate) images:
Contributions close
Feb 1 for the Autumn issue
May 1 for the Winter issue
Aug 1 for the Spring issue
Nov 1 for the Summer issue
But, for late-breaking articles talk to the editor.

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